Mission Statement

The mission of Performance Art Athletics LLC is to serve artists and athletes, by providing tools to recover from injury, prevent future problems, and progress in skill. 


Performance Art Athletics LLC was created to combine art and athletics with the benefits of rehabilitation and research. Using science, artistic athletes can increase their performance while simultaneously reducing their injury risk.


The hours of practice and performance of artistic athletes can lead to pain & injury. The goal of Performance Art Athletics LLC is to help recreational to professional sports & performance artists continue to excel in the activity they love most without losing a day to injury.

Core Values

1. Passion: Love what you do and keep yourself healthy to do what you love.
2. Education: Informative environment that exceeds standards through innovative science based exercises.
3. Empowerment: Specialized training that addresses the needs, concerns, and interests of artistic athletes, to achieve the highest levels of success and stability.
4. Balance: To achieve a strong healthy body, a dynamic mind, and a vibrant spirit.
5. Access: Execute safe and affordable options that make healthy living an attainable priority. 

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